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So far Carl has created 12 blog entries.


[embeddoc url="https://hightechmedical.co.za/wp-content/uploads/FFSS-Newsletter-Jun-2020.pdf" viewer="google"] To give clinicians a quick reference guide in their fight against the pandemic, we published a special microsite with a wide variety of COVID-19 topics. This page includes a four-part case study of RUSH exams, a link to our cleaners and disinfectants webpage, instructional videos on scanning lungs, [...]


Fujifilm obtains CE mark on a software with new CAD EYE™ function for real time colon polyp characterisation utilising AI technology in Europe

FUJIFILM Europe GmbH will launch a new software version with a new function for colon polyp characterisation utilising a type of Artificial Intelligence (AI) called deep learning. FUJIFILM Corporation has already obtained a CE mark for a previous software version with the colon polyp detection function in February 2020, and both the detection and [...]


New Lung Ultrasound Webinar on Sonosite COVID-19

New Lung Ultrasound Webinar on Sonosite COVID-19 YouTube Playlist Robert Arntfield, M.D. is the Medical Director of the Critical Care Trauma Centre and Director of Critical Care Ultrasound at London Health Sciences Centre in London, Ontario, Canada. Dr. Arntfield released a new webinar “Lung Ultrasound for COVID-19: Technical, [...]


The Role of Point-of-Care Ultrasound in COVID-19

A Talk with Italian Critical Care Physician Enrico Storti Hospitals all over the world are working to rapidly expand their capacity to treat critically ill patients with COVID-19. To find out how hospitals on the frontlines of the pandemic are coping and the lessons learned that could help other hospitals prepare, FUJIFILM SonoSite’s Chief Medical [...]


Vascular Surgeon Employs POCUS for Fistula Access

Dr. Alexandros Mallios, a vascular surgeon at the Institut Mutualiste Montsouris hospital in Paris, France, has pioneered the use of ultrasound-guided percutaneous arteriovenous fistula access in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Dr. Mallios explains why he believes point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) should be the standard of care for vascular access in all patients. [...]


Exploring the AI Revolution and New Applications in POCUS

Fujifilm Sonosite Chief Medical Officer Dr. Diku Mandavia recently published an article in U.S. News and World Report. Dr. Mandavia discusses the arrival of artificial intelligence and how it will transform emergency department teams as well as the broader field of medical diagnostics. In an article published in Economic Times Healthworld, [...]


Fujifilm Sonosite Global Service and Technical Support Focuses on the Customer Experience

Regardless of where are you are in the world, all Sonosite customers should receive the same, consistent, top-quality level of service. Our Director of Global Service and Technical Support Saf Aboukhadijeh recently visited our key global partners to understand their challenges and seek opportunities for improvement. From this, you’ll see many changes that will make [...]
